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12-21 December- Visit Fiscal Policy Office (FPO) Indonesia
to the MMC office in the Hague

In the picture: Kindy
Rinaldy Syahrir (Deputy Director, Centre Macroeconomic Policy – FPO), Dr. Jan
Lemmen (external Consultant MMC), Dr. Marein van Schaaijk (Director of MMC),
Sara Delgado (Junior Consultant at MMC), Dr. Abdurohman (FPO) and Dr. Heru
Wibowo (FPO).

Workshop on the Micro Poverty Module Indonesia
In the
picture: Dr. Abdurohman (FPO), Dr. Heru Wibowo (FPO), Sara
Delgado (Junior Consultant at MMC) and Kindy Rinaldy Syahrir (Deputy Director,
Centre Macroeconomic Policy – FPO)
18-24 November 2012 - visit of MMC consultants to
KIPPRA: Revision and extension
of the KTMM- model

In the
picture from left to right: Naomi Mathenge Benson
Kiriga, Eliud Moyi, Bernadette Wanjala, Rhoda Gakuru, Mwende Mwendwa, Dr.
Dickson Khainga, (KIPPRA), Dr. Free Huizinga, Sara Delgado (MMC). Photo by Dr.
Marein van Schaaijk.
14-27 October 2012 – visit Ministry of Finance (MoF)
Zambia to the MMC office in the Hague
In the picture: Marc
Stoffers (external Consultant at MMC), Marein van Schaaijk (director MMC),
Shula M. Sikaona (MoF Zambia), Maketo M. Mulele (MoF Zambia),
Ireen Musonda
(MoF Zambia), Felina Chongola (MoF Zambia) and Mbewe (MoF Zambia)

In the picture: Frederik
Huizinga (external Consultant at MMC), Sara Delgado (Junior Consultant MMC),
Shula M. Sikaona (MoF Zambia), Maketo M. Mulele (MoF Zambia), Ireen Musonda
(MoF Zambia), Felina Chongola (MoF Zambia) and Mbewe (Mof Zambia).
Jakarta 23th September 2012
During 2000-2005 MMC has supported Min FIN Indonesia in
the construction of the Indonesian Macroabc model MODFI, financed by World Bank.
Starting in 2001 the model has been used. Then during 2008-2011 several
economists who master MODFI have been abroad to do their PhD. Now several of
them (see Dr. Wawan, Dr. Heru and Dr. Rahman in the photo) are back in Min FIN
and re-started the use of MODFI and they can train the ‘’new MODFI generation’’
in Min FIN Indonesia. From 6-17 September 2012 Marein was in Jakarta to give
refreshment training, financed by Asian Development Bank.
On Thursday 13th September 2012, the management of FPO offered a
‘’rijsttafel’’ lunch in Oasis to the participants, Marein and his wife Conny.
From right to left: Dr. Bambang, Dr. Andin, Dr. Yopy, Dr. Wawan, Dr. Heru,
Zulvia, Karina, Anna, Sunarni, Ali, Rudy, Dr. Rahman, Conny, Dr. Marein. And
not visible on this photo, on the other side of the table Dr. Luky and several other
participants, see the complete list of 30 participants in the report of this
20-31 August 2012 – visit Ministry of Finance (MoF) Namibia
to the MMC office in The Hague

In the picture: Roberth
Tyeninawa Simon (MoF), Andreas Penda Ithindi (MoF), Ananias Abner (Deputy
Director Budget Management, MoF),
Dr. Marein van Schaaijk (director of MMC),
Michiel Vergeer (external Consultant at MMC) and Nicky Simasiku Mutame (MoF).

In the picture: Andreas
Penda Ithindi (MoF), Ananias Abner (Deputy Director Budget Management, MoF), Roberth
Tyeninawa Simon (MoF),
Sara Delgado (Junior Consultant at MMC) and Nicky
Simasiku Mutame (MoF).
3-19 August 2012 - Conference economists from Curaçao,
Suriname and St. Maarten on Curaçao

In the picture: Dr.
Marein van Schaaijk, Vanessa Simon & Rosita Sobhie (participants from
Suriname), Runy Calmera (Consultant), Jude Houston & Erika Radjouki
(participants from St. Maarten).

In the picture: Runy
Calmera (Consultant), Jude Houston & Erika Radjouki (participants from St.
Maarten), Vanessa Simon & Rosita Sobhie (participants from Suriname), Luelo
Girigorie and Dainadira Martis (participants from Curaçao).
Training of Kenyan Parliamentary
Budget Office (PBO) from 22nd – 27th July 2012 in Nairobi

Workshop on the macroeconomic
PBOM-model at Lukenya Getaway

Workshop on the Poverty
Module, which is a supplement to the PBOM-model
at Lukenya Getaway
Study visit of the
directorate of Labour affairs and Research of Aruba to MMC
July 2012

During the visit a labour market module was developed
and Yvonne O. Lee Perez (the head of the directorate of Labour affairs) and Kindra
de Cuba-Sprok (one of her staff members) received training in the use of this
module. The labour market module is linked to the macroeconomic model MARUBA
that was developed by MMC for the Department of Economic Affairs, Trade and
Industry (DEZHI).
Study visit Central
Statistical Office (CSO) Zambia to MMC, 18-29th
of June

Three staff-members of CSO Zambia visited the MMC
office in the Hague for two weeks of training rebasing the National Accounts,
Input-output tables and the ZAMMOD macro-model in general.
In the picture from left
to right:
Michiel Vergeer (MMC consultant), Marein van Schaaijk (Director MMC),
Goodson Sinyenga (Deputy Director Economic Statistics), Shebo Nalishebo
(Head of National Accounts) and Godwin Sichone ( National Accounts Statistician).
Study visit MEO Curacao to
MMC, 4-15th of June 2012

Four economists from the Ministry of Economic
Development (MEO) of Curacao visited MMC's office in The Hague for a two
week training. During this visit they received training in the new Curalyse
model, Sectorsabc and the new Household module of Curacao. The three economists
were: Luelo Girigorie MSc. (Head of the Policy unit of MEO), Dainadira Martis
MSc, drs. Natalie Petronella and Irainety Copra. Also in the picture: Frits Bos and dr. Marein
van Schaaijk.
Workshop staff members of Ministry of Finance in
April 2012

Training visit by
Marein van Schaaijk (director of MMC) and Michiel Vergeer in April 2012.
During this
visit the old Namibian macro model was revised and the MMC consultants started
developing the new macro model from scratch in cooperation with the
Visit to Ministry of Finance
and Central Statistical Office (CSO) in Lusaka – Zambia
18-21 April 2012

Visit by Marein
van Schaaijk (director of MMC) and Michiel Vergeer (consultant at MMC) to Lusaka.
During the visit
the ZAMMOD macro model was updated in cooperation with staff members from the
Ministry of Finance and with the staff members of the Central Statistical
Office the re-basing of the national accounts was thoroughly discussed.
Training of Kenyan Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) 19-25 March 2011 in Nairobi

During the workshops at Maanzoni Lodge in Nairobi MMC
provided training in the use of the PBOM
macro model and the supplementing Poverty
Modules. In addition dr. Free Huizinga provided training
in the theory behind
the macro model.
visit Zambian Ministry of Lands, Energy & Water to MMC, 6th–15th February 2012

One-on-one training in the Zambian Energy Module at
the MMC office in The Hague. The Energy Module is a supplement to the Zambian
Macroabc model (ZAMMOD) that allows the user to translate the medium- and long-term
forecasts from ZAMMOD in forecasts for the Zambian energy demand.
In the picture from left
to right: Marc Stoffers (MMC consultant) and Aggrey C. Siuluta
(Ministry of Lands, Energy & Water)
visit MoF Zambia to MMC, 29th January – 11th February
Workshop on the ZAMMOD-model at the MMC office in The Hague.
In the picture from left to right: Michiel Vergeer
(MMC consultant), Marein van Schaaijk (director of MMC), Maketo M. Mulele (MoFNP
Zambia), Ireen Musonda (MoFNP Zambia) and Shula M. Sikaona (MoFNP Zambia).
Study visit Ministry of Finance Namibia to MMC, 28th
November – 9th December 2011
on the ‘Revised Macroabc-NA’ at the MMC office in The Hague. This study visit
was the first activity in the 4 year collaboration between the Namibian
Ministry of Finance and Micromacro Consultants with respect to the development
and maintenance of and training in the new integrated Macroabc model Namibia.
In the picture from left to right:
Michiel Vergeer (MMC consultant), Marein van Schaaijk (director of MMC), Salome
N Idhenga (MoF Namibia), Ananias Abner (Deputy Director Budget Management, MoF
Namibia) and Nicky Simasiku Mutame (MoF Namibia).
Study visit DEZHI Aruba to MMC, 22nd August – 2nd
September 2011
Workshop on the Macro Model of Aruba (MARUBA) at the
MMC office in The Hague. During this study visit employees from the Department
of Economic Affairs, Commerce and Industry of Aruba (DEZHI) were trained in the
use of the MARUBA-model and the accompanying purchasing-power module
From left
to right: Lisette Tromp-Thijssen (DEZHI), Giovanni Ridderstaat
(DEZHI), Sara Delgado (MMC) and dr. Marein van Schaaijk (director of MMC).
Workshop Poverty Module Cape Verde at Statistics office (INE), August 2011

From left to right: Sara Delgado (MMC),
Silvina Santos (INE), Noemi Rute Ramos (INE), Hamilton Fortes (DNP) and
Rene Charles Sylva (INE).
Workshop Macro Model Cape Verde at Ministry of Finance and Planning, August 2011
Participants during 1 or more of the workshops:
Antonio Baptista (MTIE), Sandro de Brito (DNP), Celina Cruz
(DNP), Carla Cruz (MF), Hamilton Fortes (DNP), Fatima Lopes (DGT),
Recilete Joia (DNP), Paula Leyres (DNOCP), Wilson Lopes (DGT),
Molaquias Lopes (DGT), Sandra Martins (UNDP), Cassandro Mendes (Uni
CV), Roland Mollerus (UNDP), Lagida Monteiro (DNP), Elias Pereira
(BCV), Mirjam Pereira (MIREX), Adelaide Ribeiro (UNDP), Noemi Rute
Ramos (INE), Narjess Saidane (UNDP), Jandira Sanches (CPE), Sara Santos
(BCV), Oscar Santos (BCV), Oscar Santos (BCV), Silvina Santos (INE),
Ana Cristina Semedo (BCV) and Rene Charles Sylva (INE).
Study visit ETT St.
Maarten to MMC, 20th June – 1st
July 2011
on the ‘New SXM macro model’ at the MMC office in The Hague. This macro-economic
model was custom developed for the Department of Economic Affairs,
Transportation and Telecommunication (ETT) and can be used as a tool to analyze
the impact of economic, fiscal and monetary policy decisions, and for
monitoring and forecasting.
In the picture from left to right:
Michiel Vergeer (MMC consultant), Marein van Schaaijk (director of MMC), Ms.
Lucy L. Gibbes MPA (head of ETT) and Erika Radjouki (ETT).
Studyvisit MEO Curacao to MMC, 9-20 May 2011

Three economists from the Ministry of Economic
Development of Curacao visited MMC's office in The Hague for a
two week study-period. During this visit they received training in the
new Curalyse model, Sectorsabc and the new Household model of Curacao.
The three economists were: Luelo Girigorie MSc. (Head of the Policy
unit of MEO), drs. Natalie Petronella and Dainadira Martis MSc. (both
MEO). Also in the picture: Sara Delgado MSc., drs. Stephen Chong
and dr. Marein van Schaaijk.

Curacao April 2011, Workshop Huishoudmodule

Presentation Householdmodule of Curacao by Ministry of Economic Development (MEO) to representatives from CBS Curacao
Clockwise from bottom left: Zaida
Lake, Roeland Dreischor, Ellen Maduro, Martha Victoria, Mike
Jacobs (all of CBS Curacao), Natalie Petronella and Dainadira Martis
(MEO Curacao), and Stephen Chong (MMC).
Not in picture: Marein van Schaaijk (director MMC)
Certificates ceremony Rwanda Macro Model Project, February 2011

left to right: David Ngiramana (NBR), Fabien Mpayimana (NSIR),
Régine Nyirakanani (NBR), Valence Kimenyi (NBR), Stephen Chong
(MMC), Pacifique Mugwanesa (MinEcoFin), Marein van Schaaijk (MMC),
Florence Kabanda (RRA), Stella Rusine Nteziryayo (MinEcoFin).
Not in picture: Placide Muhirwa, Jenny Linda, Emmanuel Nkurunziza and Obald Hakizimana
(all from MinEcoFin).
The participants received certificates for their active participation during the workshops of the Rwanda Macro Model Project.
Workshop Scenario with Rwanda Macro Model on 16th September 2010 in La Palisse, Kigali

From left to right: Emmanuel Nkurunziza, Rwakunda
Amina, Quarshi Fred, Nteziryayo Stella Rusine, Kayitesi Vivian, Jenny
Linda, Obald Hakizimana, M Kabanda Florence, Nyirakanani Régine,
Placide Muhirwa, and to the right not visible: Fabien Mpayimana and
Nathalie Skerritt
Oranjestad, Aruba, April 2010

Workshop Macro Model of ARUBA (MARUBA) by dr.
Marein van Schaaijk (Director MMC) at the offices of the Department of
Economic Affairs, Trade and Industry (DEZHI). From left to right:
Lisette Tromp-Thijsen, drs. Giovanni Ridderstaat and Chantal Ecury of
DEZHI, and Marein.
Nairobi, Kenya, March 2010

During a two-day visit to Nairobi, MMC and KIPPRA
discussed the proceedings of the KIPPRA Treasury Macro Model (KTMM) and
MMC presented the Micro Poverty Module and discussed how to derive the
necessary household data from the Kenyan Household Survey of 05/06.The
picture above was taken during the presentation of the Micro Poverty
Lusaka, Zambia, March 2010

During the workshops at Sandy's Lodge in Lusaka
from March 22nd-25th 2010, MMC provided training in the use of the
Macromodel ZAMMOD and the Micro Poverty Module. Both models were used
to run a scenario for the Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP). On
the last two days (March 24 and 25) the Modelling Department of the
Ministry of Finance and National Planning (MoFNP) presented the SNDP
scenario to sector specialists in order to get feedback on the
assumptions used in the model. The pictures were taken during the
presentation on March 24.
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