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Kigali, Rwanda, December 2009

Presentation of the Rwandan Macro Model by
MINECOFIN staff to stakeholders in Rwanda on December 17th 2009. In the
days prior to this presentation (December 14-16) MMC trained the
participants of the MINECOFIN in the use of the model. The picture
below shows all the members of the Model Team that participated in teh
workshops. See the names under the Rwandan pictures of the September
2009 visit.

Kiev, Ukraine, October 2009

Final visit of MMC to Kiev. Marein and Marc
Stoffers trained the MoE staff in the use of the Integrated Model for
policy scenarios. The results together with the recommendations of MoE
staff were used to make improvements to the model.
Kigali, Rwanda, September 2009

The pictures are taken during a workshop by MMC at
the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (Minecofin) of Rwanda.
MMC has the honor to construct a macromodel for Minecofin in close
cooperation with economists from the macro unit. Here follows a list of
From Minecofin:
Kampeta Pitchette Sayinzoga (Chief Economist), Oscar Masabo (Macro),
Placide Muhirwa (Macro), Ntegano Abel (Macro), Jenny Linda (Macro),
Emmanuel Nkurunziza (Macro), Laurence Uwitonze (Macro), Obald
Hakizimana (Macro), Benon Talemwa (Macro), Alex Murray-Zmyewski
(Macro), Nathalie Skerritt (Macro), Ncuti Clement (Budget), Karakye
Charles (Budget), Nyandwi Naphtal (Dvpt Planning Unit), Rwigamba John
(RRA Planning & R Dep.), M Kabanda Florence (RRA Planning & R
From National Bank of Rwanda:
Rwakunda Christian and Nyirakanani Regine (both from the Research Policy Dep)
From National Institute of Statistics Rwanda:
Munezero Beatrice (Ec. Statistics) and Mpayimana Fabien (Ec. Statistics)
Ntare Bright (Central Plublic Inv. External Finance Bureau)
Kiev, Ukraine, September 2009

Training in updating and use of the
Integrated Macromodel of Ukraine given by Marein at the offices of the
International Centre for Policy Studies (ICPS) in Kiev. The
participants included: Inna Mogilat (MoE), Maksym Duda (MoE), Inna
Remizova (MoE), Ildar Gazizullin (ICPS) and Oleksandr Zholud (ICPS).
Marein and Stephen Chong were present for MMC. The picture below was
taken during a presentation of the model to MoE staff.

Willemstad, Curaçao, June 2009

22nd Workshop of the Curalyse model at the
Department of Economic Affairs (DEZ) of Curaçao. The head of the
Economic Policy Department (AEB), Luelo Girigorie, and the head of the
National Accounts Department of the Central Statistical Office (CBS) of
Curaçao, Maureen Blokland, presented the newest versions of the
database and the model. MMC assisted DEZ in updating and improving the
Kiev, Ukraine, April/May 2009

Workshop Quarterly module Ukriane by drs. Stephen
Chong to members of the core team of the Ministry of Economy (MoE)
Ukraine. This workshop was held at International Centre for Policy
Studies (ICPS) in Kiev.

Workshop at MoE. Consultants presented to Ms.
Gorshkova (far left on the bottom picture) and the whole staff of MoE
involved in this project (around 15 persons) the First Version of the
Integrated Model (first versions of model, quarterly module and
interface), and demonstrated a sensitivity variant (what will be the
effect compared to the base line of x % lower export volume and/or
export price growth on BoP, Government Variables, GDP, Government Debt,
Foreign reserve stock, employment, unemployment etc.)
Lusaka, April 2009

Workshop by drs. Maureen Blokland in National Accounts and the database of the macromodel.

Workshop Curalyse (Macromodel of the island of Curacao) by drs. Runy Calmera.
Kiev, February 2009
Workshop Ukraine Macroabc model, February 17th 2009.
From left to right:Ildar Gazizullin, Oleksandr Zholud,
Maksym Duda, Inna Mogilat, Marc Stoffers (MMC) and
Inna Remizova (Photo by Marein van Schaaijk)
Workshop Ukraine Macroabc
model at Ministry of Economy, Kiev 20 February 2009. Participants:
Maksym Duda, Inna Remizova, Inna Mogilat (core team) other MOE staff
members: Oleksandr Natarenko, Serhij Bogoslavets, Olena Aubtovina,
Olena Senienko
Mitoslava Kuznetsova, Andrey Fediukiu, Denis Degtyazev, Tatyana
Selemeneva, Natalya Barykko, Juro Budnichenko, Oksana Zarozotko,
Tatyana Burbela, Svitlana Chasnyk
Ludmila Khmelyuk, Valertya Voytenko, Oleksandr Yavorsky, Consultants: Ildar Gazizullin
Oleksandr Zholud, Marc Stoffers, (photo by Marein van Schaaijk)
Lusaka, January 26th – February 6th 2009

During a two-week visit to Lusaka,
MMC discussed the progress of the Annual Business Survey with National
Account experts of the CSO and presented the study-version of the
macromodel of Zambia (ZAMMOD). Furthermore, an update was made of
ZAMMOD to incorporate the latest macro-economic developments.
The photo was taken during a
workshop in the Best Home Lodge in Lusaka. Participants received
hands-on training in updating ZAMMOD from dr. Marein van Schaaijk.
These were the participants during the workshops at Best Home Lodge:
From Central Statistical Office: Peter
Mukuka, Litia Simbangala, Kambaila Munkoni, Lovemore Zonde, Joseph
Tembo, Godwin Sichone, Gerson Banda, Nkandu Kabibwa, Henry Musanje,
Shebo Nalishebo and Trust Tom Hamaleka.
From the Ministry of Finance and National Planning:
Edward Kapwepwe, Mubita Luwabelwa, Ireen Musonda, Emmanuel Kuande,
Felena Chongola, Shilambwe Mwaanga, Ester Mbaya, Maketo Mulele, Mapiza
Davison and Shula Mulenga Sikaona.
Others: Lutangu Ingombe (University of
Zambia), Mundia Kabinga (Copperbelt University), Dingiswayo Banda
(Ministry of Agriculture), Mundia Kayamba (EMD) and Bernard Phiri
The Hague, September 6th – September 19th 2008

Four statisticians of the Central
Statistical Office (CSO) of Zambia visited The Hague to follow a a
two-week study program in the context of the Zambia Macromodel project.
During this intensive course the participants have gotten on-the-job
training in the re-basing of the National Accounts and also in the
construction of quarterly accounts.
The photo shows the participants at
a workshop National Accounts by Maureen Blokland. She is the national
accounts expert of the Central Bureau of Statistics of the Netherlands
From left to right: Kambaila
Munkoni (CSO), Philip Miti (CSO), Litia Simbangala (CSO), Stephen Chong
(MMC), Maureen Blokland (MMC consultant), Joseph Tembo (CSO) and dr.
Marein van Schaaijk (Director MMC).
The Hague, June 6th 2008
Zambian economists receive
their certificates for succesfully completing a two-week trainings
course in macro-economic modelbuilding at MMC’s office in The
Hague. During this intensive course they have gotten on-the-job
training in the construction, use and upgrading of the Zambia Macroabc
model and enhanced knowledge of the theory behind the behavioural
Clockwise (starting in the
upper left photo): Mubita Luwabelwa (Ministry of Finance and National
Planning) with dr. Marein van Schaaijk (Director, MMC), Francis Chipimo
(Bank of Zambia), Lutangu Ingombe (University of Zambia) and Pamela
Kasese Bwalya (MoFNP).
Lusaka, March 2008

MMC has won a
World Bank tender to build a Macroeconomic model for Zambia from
February 2008 to May 2009. MMC will work closely with Zambian officials
from the Ministry of Finance and National Planning (incl. the Central
Statistical Office), the Bank of Zambia, the Zambian Revenue Authority
and the University. The inception visit of MMC to Lusaka took place
from March 3rd to March 20th 2008. This picture was taken during one of
the eleven workshops held in Lusaka.
Participants of the workshops (more or less from left to right in the picture):
Peter Mukuka,
Lutangu Incombe,
Philip Miti,
Lovemore M. Zonde,
Clifford Banda,
Shadrick Sichone,
Fred Makondo,
Mary Nyedwa,
Patrick H. Choolwe,
Mainga Luwabelwa,
Ireen Musonda,
Litia Simbangala,
John M. Mwansa,
Emmanuel Kaunde,
Linda Mbangweta,
Mwaka C.C.Mukubesa,
Mwila Kasase Zulu,
Edward Kapwepwe,
Mubita Luwabelwa,
Justin Mubanga,
Francis Chipimo,
Felix Muchingile,
Ngoza Chilonga,
Kambaila Monkoni,
Pamela Kasese Bwalya,
Dr. Samuel M.Bwalya,
Felena Chongola,
Joseph Tembo and Shilambwe L.K. Mwaanga. Not in picture: Michiel Vergeer,
Stephen Chong and Marein van Schaaijk.
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