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Nairobi, Kenya, November 2005

The KIPPRA-Treasury Macroabc
model Kenya (KTMM) team on Friday 18 November 2005 in Nairobi after the
succesfull change of the database to SNA93. From left to right: Ouma
Shem, Maureen Were, Willis Wassala, Dr. Dickson Khainga and Benson
Kiriga. Photo by Marein van Schaaijk
KTMM is last years used intensively in:
- Kenya Economic Report 2009 (with projections 2009-2011)
- Advise to Macro Economic Working Group in Budget Strategy
- Budget Outlook Paper
- Millennium Development Goals (MDG) report – Feasible Macroeconomic Framework for Economic Recovery Strategy (ERS)
- IDRC Project on Economic and Political Transition – Growth Options
- Preparation of visits of IMF etc.
- External aid Policy study
- Management of Macroeconomic prices for NESC
- Monitor Newsletter KIPPRA
- National Health Insurance Fund (NSHIF)
- Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs)
- Public Wage Policy Study
- Regional and National – Macroeconomic Modelling Courses
Oranjestad, Aruba, July 5, 2005

Photo above from right to left (photo below from left to right) around the table:
the Commission Macro Model members: Andy Lee, Directeur Centraal
Central Bureau of Statistics; Derrick Werleman, Finance Department;
Giantcarlo Croes, Central Bank Aruba; Rogier Reijerse, Curalyse expert;
Roslyn Vrolijk, interim Head National Accounts CBS; Henry Koolman, AIB
Economic and Financial Services N.V; Jorge Ridderstaat,Central Bank
Aruba; Maria Dijkhoff-Pita, Director Department Economic Affairs,
Commerce and Industry (DEACI) president CMM commission; Chantal Ecury,
staff-worker DEACI, Counterpart; Bas van Tuijl (MMC); standing: Esther
Willems, staff worker,Counterpart (DEACI); photographer: Marein van
Schaaijk (MMC). CMM members that were not able to attend the meeting:
Marielsa Croes, Aruba Investment Bank Economic and Financial Services
N.V.; Peter Auwerda, Department of Taxes; Ben Marapin, Social Economic

Jakarta, May 2-4, 2005
2, 3 and 4 May 2005 at the Ministry of Finance of Indonesia a seminar
took place in which MODFI, the Indonesian Macroabc model and a test
mini model for the region Bali was presented by model team members,
economists of the Directorat of Macro Economic Policy have presented
MODFI, to economists of the Directorat for Economic and Financial

Dr. Andin Hadyanto, Dr. Indro Bachtiar, Dra. Sri Sunarni MM, Haryo
Suwahyo MSc, Abdurahman MSc, Wawan Juswanto MA, (and Widiyanto Se will
present later), economists of the Directorat of Macro Economic Policy .
Participants (economists of the Directorat for Economic and
Financial Analysis): Purwiyanto,Ennoch Sindang, Soetjahjono, Evi
Subardi, Brigitta Sari, Brahmantio Isdijoso, Noeroso L. Wahyudi,
Almizan Ulfa, Purwoko,
Bachrul Elmi, Arti Dyah Woroutami, Sigit Setiawan, Makmun, Triwibowo,
Cornelius Tjahjaprijadi, Mahpud Sujai, Widodo Ramadyanto, Praptono
Mohamad Nasir, Suparman Z. Kemu, Suratman, Agus Sunarto, Budi
Kussetiyono and Director Dr. Heru Subiyantoro
Observer and Photographer: Marein van Schaaijk (MMC)
Nairobi, April 14-15, 2005
Training of the new group of Young Professionals at the Kenyan Institute of Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA)
in the KIPPRA Treasury Macro Model (KTTM) by staff of the macro model division of KIPPRA.

From left to right: Benson
Kiriga (staff), Naomi Mathenge (YP), Michael Kahiti (YP), Peter Mwangi
(YP), Peter Njarini (YP), Owen Nyangoro (YP), Esdward Garunju (YP),
Hassan Bagha (YP), Elkectine M.Nanzale (YP), George Omboga(YP), Patick
Fallis. Standing behind: Dr. Dickson Khainga and Willis Wassala (staff)
KIPPRA and MMC have developed the Kenyan Macroabc model KTMM in
co-operation in the period 2000-2003. Afterwards KIPPRA invited MMC to
give small-scale additional support during model improvement processes
and in the further training of the staff in macro-economic model
building. Nowadays the focus has shifted to the training of trainers;
MMC teaches the KIPPRA staff to train others. During the period April
25 – May 6, KIPPRA staff will therefore be able to train 32
economists from 16 African countries in the theory and practice of
working with the KTMM model.
March 2005, The Hague, The Netherlands

MMC headquarters covered in snow while inside work is done for projects in Indonesia, Curaçao and Ethiopia
January 2005 Jakarta, Indonesia

Photo of MODFI workshop, Jakarta 12 January 2005
List of Participants MODFI workshops
Participants from Directorat of Macroeconomic Policy (the former Centre
for Macro Economic Analysis) in the Directorat General of Budget and
Fiscal Balance MoF Indonesia
1) Dr. Bambang Kusumanto Director 2) Dr. Andin Hadyanto head Real
Sector (RS)
3) Haryo Suwakhyo, SH, MSC. head Balance of Payments (BOP)
4) Dra. Sri Sunarni, MM head Monetary sector (M)
5) Dr. Indro Bachtiar head Government sector (G)
6) Widiyanto SE M
7) Noor Iskandarsyah SE M
8) Atta Mara As SSI BOP
9) Adfi Nizar BOP
10) Herawati BOP
11) Anna Zulvia Dwi Kurnaini SE M 12) Sugito Madrekan SE, MM M
13) Wawan Juswanto MA RS
14) Abdurohman, MSC RS
15) Tuaradja Siahagu RS
16) Aep Sdati RS
17) Agustin Andarini Participants from the Directorat for Economic and
Financial Analysis in the Agency for Economic & Financial Analysis
and International Cooperation in MoF Indonesia
18) Dr. Heru Subiyanto Director
19) Mahpud Sujai researcher
20) Praptono Djunedi ,,
21) Triyono ,,
22) Wiloejo Niro Wijono ,,
December 2004 Addis Abeba, Ethiopia

Workshop EMM at MOFED, Addis Ababa 10 December 2004
Participants: Mr. Fauntahun Belaw, Department Head, The members of the
Macro Economic Model Team: Mr. Mezgebu Amha, Modelling Team
Coordinator, Mr. Dawit Woldeyesus, Mr. Jonse Gedefu Leta, Mr. Amin
Abdella, Mr. Abewa Tilahun, Mr. Getahun Negara, Other participants, not
members of the Model Team: Mr. Tamiru Terefe, Mr. Amde Tadesse, Mr.
Frazer, Mr. Belachew Getachew, Mr. Dawit.
August 2004 Willemstad, Curaçao, The Netherlands Antilles

In Willemstad the 20th Curalyse workshop was held this summer.
For a list of all participants to these 20 workshops click here.
May 2004 The Hague, The Netherlands

Workshop by Runy Calmera about the macro-economic model of Curaçao for an audience of government officials of both
Indonesia and Curaçao.
From left to right around the table:
Widiyanto, Wawan Juswanto, Runy Calmera, Chiquita Kotzebue and Henk van Maanen.
May 2004 The Hague, The Netherlands

In May 2004 MMC had as guests four economists from the ministry of finance of Indonesia. During this visit the
MODFI model for Indonesia was discussed. This photo was taken during one of the lunches in this visit.
From left to right around the table:
Bas van Tuijl, Widiyanto, Ata Mara Ati S, Wawan Juswanto, Dr. Marein van Schaaijk and Dr. Bambang Kusumanto.
March / April 2004 The Hague, The Netherlands

In March-April 2004 MMC hosted a Visit of the complete modelling team of MOFED Ethiopia in
two different batches. This picture shows the meeting of both batches just after the arrival
of the second batch and before the departure of the first.
From left to right around the table:
Frehiwote Yirsaw, Marein van Schaaijk, Tamiru Terefe, Mezgebu Amha, Ermias Tenkir,
Animaw Ebeye, Jonse Gedefu and Getachew Adem.
March 2004 Nairobi, Kenya

The KTMM model, builld in 2000 in co-operation with MMC, is intensively used
by Kenyan Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) to the
Ministery of Finance. Now KIPPRA has started a young profesionals programme
for new KIPPRA economists. A new generation is now entering the macro
economic and fiscal analysis with a macro model as an auxilliary. KIPPRA has
invited MMC to continue to give support next years.
Names of KTMM (the Kenyan Macroabc model) course participants, 4 March 2004
(As covered in the photo)
In the photo: Left to right
1. George Kosimbei
2. Michael Muiruri
3. Salome Chirchir
4. Jacob Oduor
5. Ester Kariuki
6. Richard Nyaliech
7. John Musale
8. Silas Mulwa
9. James Njeru
10. Ndirangu M.D
11. John Njera
12. Lucy Simiyu
13. Bernadette Wanjala
14. Timothy Nyanamba (Hidden)
15. Charles Onsengo (Slightly hidden)
16. D. Mwangi
17. Willis Wasala
18. David Ngarama (Not in Photo)
19. Benson Kiriga (Not in Photo)
Photographer: Marein van Schaaijk
January 2004 Saba, The Netherlands Antilles

MMC has developed a macro model of Saba (population only 1387 in
2001), ''Sabalyse''. This Sabalyse has also been used for training purposes,
for example in Indonesia. There some economist said: "It is more difficult
to cut a small diamant than a big one".
From left to right:
Marein van Schaaijk, Jeroen
Reijnen (MMC consultants) and Robert (''Bobby") Zagers, Head Planningbureau
December 2003 The Netherlands

Presentation of the Curalyse
model by Drs. Candice Henriquez of the Curalyse macro model as the
concluding event of her short "internship" at MMC to get familiar with
the Curalyse model before going to Curaçao to start working at
Economic Affairs Services of the island.
From left to right: Drs. Bas van Tuijl (MMC), Dr. Marein van Schaaijk
(director of MMC), Drs. Michiel Vergeer (Central Bureau of Statistics
Netherlands) and Drs. Karel Eckhorst (Central Bank of Surinam) and Drs.
Candice Henriquez (Economic Affairs Curaçao).
November 2003

After the succesful
presentation of the first operational version of the macro model for
Ethiopia the Economic Planning and Policy Department of the Ministry of
Finance and Economic Development awarded the management team of
Micromacro Consultants with genuine Ethiopian Clothes.
From left to right:
Dr. Marein van Schaaijk en Conny van Schaaijk-van der Schilden MM (Management of MMC)
More about the Ethiopian Macro model project
October 2003 Ethiopia

Two consultants from MMC and two employees of the Economic Policy and Planning Department of MOFED Ethiopia
enjoy a tea break in the garden of the MOFED building in the context of the Ethiopian macro-model project.
From left to right around the table: Dr. Free Huizinga (Short-term MMC
consultant), Dr. Marein van Schaaijk (director of MMC), Mr. Demeraw
Getachew and Mr. Jonse Gedefu Leta (both of EPPD, MOFED Ethiopia)
More about the Ethiopian Macro model project
September 2003 The Netherlands

MMC hosted a two week study
tour for 12 economists from the former Yugoslavian Republic of
Macedonia to train them in macro-modelling. During the preparation of
this visit MMC constructed a preliminary macro-model for Macedonia.
More about this visit
September 2003 The Netherlands

Workship on tax modelling and monitoring.
From left to right around the table:
Dr. Marein van Schaaijk (director of MMC), Drs. Wim van Tol (The MMC
consultant in this workshop, works at the Dutch MoF), Mr. Mezgebu Amha
(MOFED Ethiopia), Mr. Ato Getachew Adem (Director of the Economic
Planning & Policy Department (EPPD) in MOFED Ethiopia).
During this visit a multimedia slideshow
explaining the basics of the Ethiopian macro model was constructed
August 20th 2003 Curaçao

Yearly workshop about the Curalyse model organised by Economic Affairs to explain the model to interested persons of other
institutions on the island.
July 2003 The Netherlands

First workship during the two-week visit of the macro-model core team
of the Economic Policy and Planning Department of MOFED Ethiopia.
From left to right around the table:
Mr. Jonse Gedefu Leta, Mr. Demeraw Getachew, Mr. Mezgebu Amha, Dr. Marein van Schaaijk (director of MMC),
Mr. Amin Abdella, Mr. Animaw Ebeye, Mr. Dawit Woldeyesus
More about the Ethiopian Macro model project
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