Home : Projects : Netherlands Antilles : Baseline Study 2004
Micromacro Consultants
Micromacro Consultants

Baseline Study Economic Development Netherlands Antilles
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Introduction / Background:

Recently there has been an international debate about the optimal form of development co-operation with developing countries. This debate has revolved around two possibilities, funding on a project-basis and budget support. The practice until now has mainly been the funding on a project basis. Using this approach the recipient country is obliged to formulate precise project proposals and after examining these proposals the donor decides for each project individually whether it will be sponsored.
Lately people have argued for an approach in which the donor will provide money to a local development fund out of which the recipient country can pay for the projects they want to implement. However, the projects have to contribute to the realization of development goals that are agreed on by donor and recipient in advance. Afterwards the donor can assess whether the development goals were indeed realized. In this way the responsibility for the detailed development policy shifts to the recipient country and a less involved role for the donor becomes possible while increasing the efficiency.

A first step in this approach between donor and recipient would be the selection of certain socio-economic variables as indicators of successful development. The next step would be to make a reasonable estimate of the development of these variables in the agreed period assuming no implementation of development policy (reference scenario). After that the donor and recipient have to agree on the extra development of the indicators on top of the reference scenario that may be expected after the implementation of the development policy, a package of measures concerning government investments (partly financed by the donor) and measures targeted at strengthening the functioning of the economy. Using this approach it is of course essential that at the end of the period the agreed indicators will be measured by an independent Statistical Office. A complication in this approach is that it is impossible to predict the future exactly. Donor and beneficiary might have different views and interests. In that case it might help that an independent bureau calculates the scenarios using models in such a way that the calculations can be reproduced later. In the Netherlands this job is done by the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Public Policy Analysis.

Baseline Study Netherlands Antilles

Principal: Economic Affairs Netherlands Antilles
Sponsor: Ministry of Internal Affairs the Netherlands

The governments of the Netherlands and the Netherlands Antilles have recently agreed to start using this budget support approach to development aid. The Netherlands Antilles are an autonomous part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, actually a federation of five Caribbean islands which each autonomous economic policy. Consequently there was a need for the estimation of a reference and a policy scenario for each island, as well as the total. After a tender the ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands Antilles granted the task of making these scenarios in cooperation with the different island governments in a period of only four months to Micromacro Consultants (MMC).

MMC is an independent bureau that operates in four different continents building and advising government agencies about macro-models. One of it’s projects was the construction of a macro-model for the island of Curaçao. For the baseline study of the Netherlands Antilles this model was expanded with separate models for the five different islands and the sum of these models as model for the Netherlands Antilles as a whole. The total of these models is called Antillyse which also contains poverty modules for the different islands. With the help of these poverty modules it is possible to calculate the number of adult persons under a given income line (for example a net income of 1000 NAF per month) for as well the reference as the policy scenario.

Project structure

During the baseline study for the Netherlands Antilles MMC, in cooperation with the entities (the island governments of Saba, St. Eustatius, Bonaire, St. Maarten and the country government of the Netherlands Antilles), has improved where necessary the already existing Sustainable Economic Development Programs (SEDP) and determined the socio-economic indicators. These indicators were agreed upon: number of tourists divided into cruise tourists and stay-over tourists, other export, GDP, employment, unemployment, purchasing power development and the number of persons below a certain income line. With the help of the Antillyse model figures were produced for these variables for the present situation and the expected development without financial means for development policy (the reference scenario, or baseline) as well as an estimation of the effects of development policy (policy scenario). With the help of these calculation results it will be possible to monitor the SEDP’s output next years: comparison of the scenario figures with the realized figures that will be provided by the independent Central Bureau of Statistics of the Netherlands Antilles.

The construction of the rapports on the SEDP’s for the different islands and the Netherlands Antilles as a whole consisted of the following steps:

  1. The first step was the collection and study of relevant statistical and other documents per island to update the available databases up till the year 2003. On the basis of these databases the Antillyse model was used to calculate the reference scenario’s. 
  2. Next to the planned development projects financed with donor money from the Netherlands the SEDP’s also took into account the funding the island governments could do with own means or by changing project priorities. Moreover, additional investment by enterprises, induced by a combination of relevant economic government investment as well as a market oriented development policy leading to a higher labour productivity and, using wage moderation, higher profit rates, is also taken into account here. 
  3. In the next step the initial policies formulated by the island governments were assessed and on each island MMC discussed with the government how the long list of possible projects could be reduced to fit the financial possibilities. After this for every island and for every year the following variables were calculated:  
  1. The size of the extra government investments financed with donor money, 
  2. The additional investments by the island government, 
  3. The expected additional rise of investment by enterprises 
  4. The direct effect on exports (tourism and other export separately)
  5. The additional rise in productivity.
Intensive discussion between MMC and the entities was necessary concerning c, e and d, because the results of this step are a combination of on the one hand the output of micro-economic calculations and on the other hand expert opinion about what level of the indicator targets is possible according to the experts and in light of the available funding. In a later stage the board of the Development Fund will only finance those projects that contribute a certain minimum per invested guilder to the targets (for example additional number of tourists).

  1. Then these figures were used as input for the macro-economic model and the macro model was used to estimate the policy effects on GDP, labour market and poverty. 
  2. The calculations were initially made preliminary. The preliminary results were later discussed and improved during several meetings with experts on the different islands.
Thanks to the baseline study it is easier for the different entities involved (island government and country government) and the Development Fund to monitor and measure the effects of development policy. This also holds for the donors, in this case The Netherlands, that can use the economic indicators in the different SEDP’s to assess the results of development aid and can leave the responsibility for individual project decision making to the newly formed Development Fund.

Output of the Baseline Study

During this project MMC did not only construct and use a macro-economic model. It also improved and finished Sustainable Economic Development Programs for 4 islands and the country as a whole. This was all done in close cooperation with officials and experts on the different islands. Within the SEDP’s there is now consensus between the recipient and the donor on the amount of funds provided and on with what goals in mind these funds will be spend in the coming four years. There is also agreement on the economic indicators of development policy and on the target levels of these indicators after the implementation of the development policy.

The Baseline Study MMC team

For the approach that was followed in during the baseline study it was necessary to form a team containing various forms of expertise, international experience with economic monitoring and baseline studies, detailed knowledge of the economic situation on the Netherlands Antilles and up-to-date knowledge of and experience with the relevant Dutch policy practice.

The team consisted of:
  • Dr. Marein van Schaaijk, director of MMC,
  • Drs. Koos van Dijken, expert government expenditure analysis, 
  • Drs. Jeroen Reijnen, former acting head DEZ Curaçao, Projectleader, 
  • Drs. Bas van Tuijl (economist), 
  • Drs. Candice Henriquez (October/November 2003, economist)


This is the largest part of the project team during a discussion of the Antillyse model in The Hague
From left to right: Drs. Candice Henriquez, Dr. Marein van Schaaijk, Drs. Koos van Dijken and Drs. Bas van Tuijl.

Drs. Jeroen Reijnen, the projectleader of the baselinestudy was working on the study on the island of Curaçao


Economic Program for the Netherlands Antilles as a whole (plans for the individual islands are published by those islands itself) (46kb)
Final Report Antillyse Baselinestudy.zip (140kb)
Appendices to Final Report Antillyse Baselinestudy.zip (Dutch) (145kb)
Database tourism and logistics (Dutch) (130kb)
Note: Tourism Indicator (Dutch)(189kb)
Notitie: Analysis of possible productivity growth Netherlands Antilles (24kb)

ANTILLYSE 2004 reference scenario
This version of Antillyse is constructed in Januari 2004 within the Baseline study Programs Sustainable economic development Netherlands Antilles. This version contains the reference scenario for the period 2004-2007. This is not a precise forecast for the future, but a basis for the calculation of scenarios.

Download Antillyse (1250kb)

This is a program that helps to understand the influence of macro-economic developments on net income and the number of people below certain income lines. This version uses the income distribution that is made based on the Census 2001. The five different Antiltax files for the five islands of the Netherlands Antilles in thisze zipped folder are linked to the latest version of Antillyse.

Download Antiltax (671kb)