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Micromacro Consultants
Micromacro Consultants

Netherlands Antilles

Baseline Study Economic Development Netherlands Antilles

In October 2003 MMC did win a tender of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Netherlands Antilles to give support to the local governments of the Netherlands Antilles (consisting of 5 islands) in producing Baseline studies Sustainable Economic Development. This study has been successfully executed during October 2003 till February 2004 and was financed by The Netherlands. For each of the islands a Macroabc model was made, and the sum plus the monetary sector gives the Antillyse model. In cooperation with experts on each island a judgment of the preliminary development projects was made, their probable effect on private investments, and the combined effect on numbers of tourists (main export product).  Then the results of the first step were used as input in the Antillyse model and the Antiltax (the poverty module to Antillyse), resulting in the output: additional number of employees and additional number of persons above the poverty line.  Then the preliminary results have been discussed with the local governments, resulting in targets.  In the near future the development cooperation will be output oriented  and the local government can decide themselves in which projects they will spend the money, and they will be judged on the realization of the agreed and quantified targets. 

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