Background Namibia Macroabc Model
Macroabc-NA is a macroeconomic model of Namibia. It was developed by Micromacro Consultants, using MMC’s macroabc methodology and data available on internet. It was already running on the 8th of September 2006 and made available as shareware to Namibia.
After that in an EU-funded project during the period 12 September till 14 November 2006, with the National Planning Commission of Namibia (NPC) as benificiary, Macroabc-NA was merged with the Nammac database of NPC, resulting in a new Nammac model, that was used to draft the Macroeconomic Chapter in the National Development plan (NDP3). Although this was not an MMC project, some MMC experts were involved. Click here for pictures of workshops at the NPC in Namibia.
The Macroabc-NA shareware version that you can download on this page (see below) does not include the Nammac data. It uses the data from the September version of the model, and only the figures from the National Accounts 1995-2005 have been updated. Furthermore the shareware version uses some other coefficients and it does not include any policy scenarios like in the new Nammac model of NPC. This shareware version only includes a baseline based on some technical assumptions. Please note that this shareware version is not the official NPC version of the model.
This Macroabc-NA includes the poverty module Micromacrosim-NA (MMSNA) and the sectoral module Sectorsabc-NA. Thanks to the poverty module the output from the macromodel is automatically translated into changes in the number of households below the poverty lines. Thanks to Sectorsabc the macro output (complemented if needed with sectoral add factors) is translated into real GDP growth for each sector of industry.
Macroabc-NA, including MMSNA and SectorsNA, can be used to simulate the effects of exogenous changes on target variables. Exogenous changes are for example changes in international demand to Namibian exports, changes in taxes, investment impulses in the export sector, improvements in the area productivity in the subsistence agricultural sector, increase in safety net allowances, etc.. Target variables are GDP, employment, inflation, government deficit, foreign reserve stock, numbers of households below the poverty line, etc.
Macroabc-NA (including Sectorsabc, Micromacrosim-NA and Manuals) can be downloaded by clicking here. The copyrights belong to MMC. Macroabc-NA is shareware, not freeware: it can be used by all inhabitants of Namibia free of charge, but others can only use it three months for study purposes.