MARUBA project
The Macro-economic model of Aruba (MARUBA) was constructed in June 2005 to June 2006 in cooperation with the Department of Economic Affairs, Commerce and Industry of Aruba (DEACI) and the Commission Macro Model (CMM) of Aruba.
MARUBA contains a dataset with the government revenues and expenditures, National Accounts (GDP by expenditure and income approach), prices, labor market, monetary and financial figures. MARUBA consists of behavioural equations, definition equations and exogenous variables (world trade volume, fiscal policy, etc) to forecast future values.
The model is used by DEACI to analyse the broader macro-economic effects of government policy (e.g. the introduction of a sales tax) and to make the annual outlook (up to 2-years ahead).

This picture was taken during a presentation of economists of DEACI for the Commission Macro Model of Aruba.
Please click the link below to download the Outlook of 2008 for Aruba from the DEACI homepage:
Outlook 2008 of Aruba
More information on MARUBA can be found on the DEACI homepage (in English) in the section Economic Research under the menu Economic Policy & Development Cooperation. Dutch readers can click here to read more about MARUBA (in Dutch).